Last Saturday (18th July) for World Listening Project Sally Lemsford Jo Burlington and myself re-walked a Bridport to West Bay walk we designed for last year's Pop-up Fringe.

We talked about many things, SEAFAIR, the changes that have happened in the last 10 months, what we want to do going forward individually and supporting SEAFAIR.

Here in an Audio piece that was made to reflect the walk.

Changed map

Audio Postcard #1

Audio Postcards was born out of a frustration with a lack of time to make work. But with wanting to share a memory or feeling of a place in a creative way. The day to day can get me down. I came here to teach and to progress my understanding of communication, that is happening. But perhaps not in the way I had anticipated. So if I work I am making has changed - I therefore must change the way I make my creative work.

Audio postcards is a way for me to share my findings and experiences with you. I hope you enjoy it. If you’d like to send one in return - all you need is a recording device (most Smart phones have perfectly good ones) and my email address….

Audio Postcards #1

Audio Postcard #1

By Megan Dunford